April 23rd is Sant Jordi, or Saint George's Day. It is the equivalent of Valentine's Day in Catalunya, my homeland.
It is also "el dia del llibre", the "day of the book". Some say that Shakespeare and Cervantes had April 23rd as their birthday. Or was it the day they died? Either way, I do not really care what the excuse is, this is one really groovy day.
Why? well picture this: the streets of Barcelona are covered in book stands, rose stands, Catalan flags everywhere, and very happy people. That's all everyone cares about on that one day: books and roses. Think about it.
Actually, do me a favor and google these three words together: sant jordi barcelona
Go ahead, do it, and look at all the images that come up: books and books for miles on end. Roses, more books, smiling people in the streets, readers of all ages perusing the stands, lovers exchanging roses and books. This is the reason the smell of roses and brand-new books seem to invoke each other in my mind. It's my happy place.
So, if you ever decide to go visit Barcelona, my advice is that you try your best to be there on April 23rd so you can be a part of it all. Maybe you'll find a book that will change your life. Maybe you'll find the courage to give a rose to that very special someone. It is bound to be a day you will never forget.
And now, April 23rd is officially the day I posted my first entry in this blog.
Let's see how long this lasts :) Wish me luck!