Friday, August 13, 2010

12th Place!!!!

Do you see it?
Right there, bottom half, the list of semi-finalists. Number 12.
Yeah, that's me!!

A long while back (last year) I entered a writing contest online with the first five pages of a Fantasy YA novel I am working on right now. I have gone back and forth on the title.

They said it was going to take a long time to decide, so I forgot about it. The main prize was the chance to submit a full manuscript to Regina Brooks, agent, and a ten-week writing course. The top five got a 15-minute consultation and written commentary by all the contest judges (from all over, you'll read it in the link) and, as far as I was concerned, everyone else got some consolation prize or another.

Well, half a year later I got this book by Regina Brooks, with an autograph by the author that read: To Núria, Keep writing, the YA audience needs you!" and her signature. I thought that was really nice of her and thought, in passing, that it must have taken her a long time to sign all those books to all the contest participants.

Fast-forward another few months, to last week to be precise, when I decided to do what's called a "vanity Google search" and google my name to see what comes up. This is something that we are encouraged to do often, because when someone becomes interested in your work the first thing they do is Google your name. That is also why they encourage us to start blogs, etc. This way we have a bit more control on what kind of content shows up first.

Anyway, I Googled my name and the first link that showed up was the one about this contest. I was curious to see where my name would have showed up. Well, turns out I got the autographed book because I was ranked #12 (out of 1700!)
Needless to say I have printed this web page and have placed it already in my "Go Me!" folder :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Where do you find inspiration? Where does it find you?

I admit it: I am incredibly lucky. I am the mother of two amazing little girls who delight, amuse, and exasperate me on a daily basis. Never a dull moment with these two.

Most of my little poems are inspired by them. It might be something they said, their favorite toys, or just the way in which their hair wildly tumbles and tangles down their backs as I brush it in the morning. That is how I came upon the metaphor for this poem:


By Núria Coe

Wavy waterfalls come crashing

On a foamy, roaring bed,

Curly thunderclouds are looming

Over rainforests of red.

Raging tempests o’er the ocean

Threatening every boat at sea,

Ravaging the frizzy surface

In a wild, tumultuous spree.

Higher up, atop this frenzy

These crazed locks begin to slow,

As they’re held in place, quite neatly,

By a humble, tiny bow.

So? What inspires YOU? What tickles your funny/sad/thoughtful bone? Is it your personal experience? Those of others? Your surroundings?

Thanks for sharing.

About the SCBWI Conference in L.A.

I was very lucky to be able to attend the SCBWI Summer Conference in L.A. this past weekend.

At the end of the four-day weekend I felt elated and exhausted at the same time. There is something to be said for people who create content for children. We do not regard each other as competitors, but rather, as one big, happy family. Illustrators, writers, even agents and editors from the big publishing houses were all there, shaking hands, making new friends, learning from each other.

By far the highlights were:
a) Ashley Bryan leading us all in reciting the poem "Things" by Eloise Greenfield. I still find myself reciting it while doing the dishes. My kids thought it was hysterical. I will never recite a poem the way I have been ever again.
b) Jon Scieszka and Mac Barnett talking about their new project "Spaceheadz" and their fresh, smart, way-out-there view of the new shape the publishing industry is taking and our place in it as content providers. Also, their awesome website: aimed at getting BOYS immersed in the world of books.
c) Lin Oliver and Sean Mooser. No matter what they say, it's always funny and sweet. I feel fortunate to have met them. (Lin is coming to Seattle soon! YEAH!)
d) Everyone there: attendees, published authors, wide-eyed wannabes...what an amazing group of people ( there were 1139 of us, from all over the world!)

By the way, next time your DJ asks you to punch the sky with him to the tune of Black-eyed Peas' "Tonight" just make sure there's nobody standing behind you. Especially if they happen to be the famous YA author M.T. Anderson and happen to tower a whole head above you. Their nose might get in the way of your fist. Just sayin'.