Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday Night Poem #3

One of my first poems for kids, inspired by them, of course.

By Núria Coe

Orange and quiet, big bulging eyes:
To find you there, floating, was quite a surprise.
The little ones home were terribly sad:
In poems and drawings they mourned what they had.
They called up their grandma to tell her you died,
Then sat in a corner and quietly cried.
Flushed down the toilet, with all of us there,
You took along with you the children’s despair,
For that afternoon, coming out of their fog,
They cheerfully asked us: “can we get a dog?”


  1. This poem is so fun. The rhythm is Seussical, which makes it a smile to read. I can see it illustrated. Poor little fishy.

    1. Hello angelique! Thank you for stopping by!

      This was inspired by a true story. We actually had five little fishes, which died one after the other. They mourned the first one, but once they saw another one floating in the tank they began to think about what kind of pet they wanted to get next :)


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